A Potted Army Career (or
On a Cooks Tour for Free)
1937 Joined the O.T.C. at the Priory School,
Middlesex Reg., played flute, Ealing.
1940 Joined the L.D.V. at Glen Aran (kitchen knife & broom handle), Horsham.
Converted to the Home Guard (Ross rifle & Molotov
1941 Joined at
17 & 11 months, the Royal Warwickshire Regiment, Young Soldiers Battalion
as Private.
(Lee Enfield 303 rifle) New Forest & Gosport.
1942 Sent to Pre O.C.T.U. Lance corporal,Blackdown.
Posted to the R.M.C. as Officer Cadet,Sandhurst.
1943 Commissioned
into the 8th Royal Irish Hussars (Armoured cars), 2nd
sent to the Lancaster Fusiliers (Churchill Crusader Tanks) Welbeck Abbey &
Thorsby Hall, awaiting transfer to Middle East.
Sent later to Manchester Regiment (Humber A.C.) Otley
1943 Sent to await transport to M.E., Bovington.
1943 Shipped out to North Africa to join 8th Hussars on ‘Duchess
of Richmond’.
train from Algiers to Tripoli, 4 days travel in a station wagon.
H. returned to U.K. for 2nd Front.
1943 American
L.C.T. to Italy as reinforcement for 1st Army (acquired Colt
45), Terranto.
Joined 10 Corps 1st Army as Liaison officer, Sparanise.
Sent to 95th General Hospital (jaundice),
Went on leave to Positano.
1944 Asked to
join D Squadron Kings Dragoon Guards by Col. Harman, Castel de Sangro, but ended
up as foot soldiers in the mountains east of Cassino.
1944 Became 5 Troop Leader (Daimler A.C.).
Advanced north:Cassino-Rome-Sessa
Withdrew back to Bari to go to Greece.
1945 L.C.T. (Royal Navy) to Piraeus and sent to Athens Airport,Greece.
north to flush out E.L.A.S. and on to Kifissia (acquired a Harley Davidson).
O.C. advance party for regiment’s return to Egypt.
Regiment reunited for first time at Medina, Cairo.
from Egypt, through the Sinai Desert, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, Damascus to
the Djeble Druze.
Honorary Officer of the regiment D.D.
on leave to Kyrenia,Cyprus.
1946 Returned to Palestine, promoted Capt. O.C. 75mm gun troop,Rosh
Return to U.K. to be demobbed.
Enrol at the Bartlett School of Architecture, London.
1947 Join the Inns of Court Regiment T.A., Chancery Lane, London.
Parked Daimler A.C. in the cloister of Greys Inn (bomb
training camps in Newquay, Crowborough, Thetford, Kirkcudbright and Weymouth.
1952 Queen Elizabeth II Coronation
1953 Resigned to set up architectural practice in Charterhouse Square, London.
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